
Ex-DuPage County Inmate Sues for Lost Dentures

Prison inmate John Francis Wood, 49, has filed suit against DuPage County jail guards who he claims are responsible for losing his $9,000.00 dentures.

The lawsuit states Woods left the dentures in a cup in his cell during a shakedown in May of 2009 and when he re-entered the room the cup was on the floor but the dentures were missing.

Woods is seeking to have the bridge replaced plus a reasonable amount for his “pain and suffering.” Woods was incarcerated after a DUI charge and is currently serving ten years in a state prison.

Woods reportedly has a history of traffic violations and six driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol convictions dating back 30 years.

Ex-inmate sues DuPage over missing dentures,, May 11, 2011 Inmate blames DuPage guards for lost dentures,, May 11, 2011

Posted in: DUI
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