
IL Supreme Court Upholds Underage Drinking License Suspensions

The Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the law punishing underage drinkers by suspending their Illinois driver’s license is constitutional. The court found that the legislature made a reasonable connection between the offense and the consequence, explaining that these offenders may wind up driving while under the influence of alcohol. A trial court in Clinton County had found that the law was unconstitutional, violating the driver’s due process rights by suspending a driver’s license for an offense that does not involve driving. The law, which went into effect in January 2008, requires suspension of driving privileges if a person receives court supervision or a conviction for unlawful consumption of alcohol under 21 years of age.

Taking licenses of underage drinkers OKd,, June 25, 2010
Court OKs Yanking Driver Licenses Over Underage Drinking,, June 24, 2010

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